Cat In The Hat
You saw it HERE FIRST on Steve and Karen's Most Excellent Adventures.
The Cat in the Hat Street.
Hot Dog.. am I hungry. They filmed parts of the up coming
movie The Cat In the Hat staring Mike Meyers in Pomona. They
turned 2nd street into Cat in the Hat street. Apparently they will not be
able to read but will instead identify things by their pictures. |
The whole street is an antique shopping district. It took them a few months
to make the street look like this. It would have been really cool to get
pictures without cars but.. this is California. You will never see a
street without cars.
If you did see a street without cars you would want to go to
this store to get new glasses. |
Even the trees and leaves are fake. Universal will have to remove everything
after they are done filming. They will put the store fronts back however they
want them or whatever color they want.
This photo shows the contrast. The side of the building is
the way it was. One of the shop owners told me it's been great. It draws
more visitors down to their shops and this is the first time the buildings
have been painted in at least 40 years. After they put it back I will post
some photos of the shops again for comparison. |