29 Palms Inn

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I don't normally put up web pages to advertise a place where we spent the night but this place is rather unique. The 29 Palms Inn is a nice place to stay if you are visiting Joshua Tree National Park. Our room was this adobe. At night we laid on the chairs provided and just looked up at the beautiful desert sky. Although we didn't eat here the food looked very good and everybody said it was the best place around to eat.

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This a picture taken on the grounds.

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The Inn is built on the site of a natural oasis. On weekend mornings they have a naturalist to take you on a walk of the grounds explaining the oasis. It is really very hard to get a god photo of the oasis. If you expose the oasis correctly the sun washes out. But it was a beautiful blue sky. You can see the color reflected on the water.

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This was the gate into the garden on the grounds.  We got to walk though the gardens and even eat some of the fruits. I had my first fig and my first raisin picked off the vine.

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I couldn't resist a picture of the Monarch. There were hundreds of them on this grouping of flowers.