Rainy Days
Hey, whoever said it doesn't rain in Southern California was full of ****.
When it does rain this is what happens.. the streets flood. The horn in my
car still isn't working correctly a week later although it is starting to
dry out and come back to life. All the water comes rushing down the hills
and floods the streets.
We have a list of rainy day things to do and see and we finally used it.
We went to the San
Bernardino County Museum in Redlands. This wagon was in a display on
local history. It is an actual restored wagon used by a wealthy family to
come to California in the 1850's. I mean who else would bring an organ.
The local display had history on Indians of the area, pioneers,
electricity and it's role and of course gold miners.
There was a display on mammals on one floor and on the top
floor was a huge display on birds. There had to be 3 to 500 stuffed birds
and probably thousands of bird eggs. |
A branch of the museum and about 5 miles away is the Mission
Asistencia. The mission was opened in 1819. It isn't very big but if you want
a flavor of the old missions it is worth stopping.
And this is an example of some of the old homes you can find
dotting the city of Redlands. Some of these old Victorians are in fabulous
shape. As you can see the day started clearing up. |