The Great Temecula Tractor Race

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This is it folks... The GREAT Temecula Mud Tractor Races.
Yeee Haahhhh
It is scaled way back from what it was just a few years ago. But it was
still an enjoyable afternoon anyway. Gone are the nice bleachers and instead
you sit on a bale of hay. But, the competitors are there because they love
it, not for the money. Notice the tubes for the air intake on these
vehicles. Up and in the back so they don't suck in water.

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Now this is one crazy looking tractor.

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Kids and mud, they seem to go together. Every place there
were puddles there were kids playing in the. I guess it's like a magnet.
Hmmm I think I can remember playing in mud when I was a kid<grin>. |

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I have pictures of the splashes that are much larger then this but then you
can't even see there is a vehicle in there. It is my understanding this event
used to be sponsored by the Temecula Town Association and they dropped it in
2002 because it cost too much to put on. The event was then picked up by
another local promoter but they didn't have the $ to make the event as big so
there were a lot less tractors.

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The vehicle on the left is stuck in the mud and a gut is out
of the vehicle. The guy on the right is passing him. |