Arizona Biltmore

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The Arizona Biltmore bills itself as the only hotel in the world with a
Frank Lloyd Wright influenced design. The building was actually designed by
one of his students Albert McArthur Chase and opened for business on
February 23, 1929.

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The building is built with precast concrete blocks molded on site
and referred to as "Biltmore Block". The block was molded using
local materials..

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The grounds feature many pools and this one has a large 92 ft long slide
right between the 2 towers at the far end. We stopped here for breakfast and
they just happened to be having a history tour of the facility so we joined

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Even the carpets used in the building have geometric patterns similar to the

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The facility was owned by the Wrigley's of chewing gum fame from 1930 to
1975. There are two 18 hole golf course and one 18 hole putting course on the