Ice House Canyon Hike

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This hike is in the Angeles National Forest although it crosses into the
Cucamonga Wilderness which is part of the San Bernardino National Forest. At the start of the hike we
came across ruins of cabins. At the time we wondered if this was caused by
flood, earthquake or fire. A few weeks later we were having dinner with some
of our Miata group and found out from one of the members his uncle had owned
one of these cabins and it had been torched by vandals.

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The trail follows Ice House Canyon and goes to an area called Ice House
Saddle. From the Saddle there are multiple trails leading to different
mountain peaks. There was a lot of water flowing from snow melt off.

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This is looking back down the Canyon. At this point we had climbed about
1200 feet. Ultimately we ended up only going up 1500 feet and cover a round
trip distance of 4 miles.

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We also discovered a few cabins along the trail. These were built using mules
to carry the supplies in.

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There were still some plants blooming but it will soon be getting hot and
everything will dry out.