Mojave Trail Days

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This was the first annual Barstow Mojave Trail Days. It was held on the
property of the Harvey House. The event was to celebrate the history of
the Mojave Trail and information about the trail was available.

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There were authentic Indian and cowboy camp sites. The night before got
pretty cold and they had camp fires going inside the Teepees.

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Hmmmm, Karen has told me how little girls like to play dress up. I never
quite understood this but just accepted it as something little girls do.

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Then while looking at the Cowboys and Indians I realized I guess little boys
do also. While there was information on the Mojave Trail the big draw was
the Sons Of the Badlands (SOBs) and their early American dress and

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Here they are reenacting scenes from the movie Tombstone. I guess some people
never really do grow up as these folks spent the entire weekend camping out
and playing dress up. Maybe that's not such a bad thing.