Point Fermin Park

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One of the great things about living in this area are the diverse climates available
in a short distance. It was going to be in the upper 90's at the house this
day so we headed for the coast an hour away. As you can see in these pictures
it is foggy. We drove the convertible and at times were cold. This picture
shows what is sometimes called San Pedro's sunken city. It is the eastern edge
of Point Fermin Pak. In 1929 and 1930 this area started sliding into the ocean. You
can see chunks of concrete and asphalt that used to be a road. There were
homes here also.

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This large tree stands sentry over the point and is right next to the light
house. The park was pretty empty this day which made it wonderful to

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The last time we were in this area the lighthouse was closed because it
was undergoing renovation. This day it was open so we were able to take a
tour of the building. It was originally built in 1874. It was constructed
to allow for 2 different Lighthouse keep and their families to live here
so it is quite large for a lighthouse. However it was never occupied by
two families.

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This is Point Vicente Lighthouse. It is on Coast Guard property. I believe
there are special times when it is open to the public but most of the time
it isn't. It was built in 1926.

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This park is near Point Fermin park and is a favorite of wedding parties. We
saw one after another march up to take pictures here.