4th of July Parade
La Verne, CA

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On the 4th of July we have at least half dozen cites within 10 miles that
have parades. This year we choose to go to La Verne. It took us about 15
minutes to get there and we found a place real easy to set up our chairs. |

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As far as parade go it was nice. The city of course has all it's fire trucks
and a few police cars and bikes through out the parade. Then some of the
local military operations were represented. I don't often take pictures in
the bright sun anymore because you can't get a good picture with the harsh
shadows and these pictures sure
prove that. |

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One thing I had not seen before were bands on the back of flatbed trucks
interspersed in the parade. There were about 4 bands, then of course there
were local school marching bands. Don't ask me what the bottom two
represent because I don't have a clue. |

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