Sikorsky S-70A Firehawks

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During the Big Horn fire the Helicopters were getting water from the
percolation basin in the new housing development near us so I went one day to
snap a few pictures. The choppers here are the LA County Fire Departments
Sikorski S-70A Firehawks. This family of helicopters was first developed for
the military and is considered a medium lift helicopter. |

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LA County has 2 of these in their Air Operations section. Why this guy was
getting the tail so close to the water I have no idea but I can't help but
wonder what would have happened is the rotor had hit the water. |

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They really kicked up quite a lot of mist as they hovered right over the
water to fill the 1,000 gallon tank. The basis for the S-70A Firehawk is
the Sikorsky Blackhawk UH-60L. |

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