Cleghorn Fire Road

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Cleghorn Fire Road is a popular fire road that goes from Interstate 15 in the
Cajon Pass over to Lake Silverwood. Ever since buying the Subaru we knew we
wanted something that was a bit more off road capable so we now have a 4WD
Toyota truck and this was the first time we took it off road to see what it
could do. |

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There was a group of off roaders at this turn off so I watched them play on
the terrain for a while. The fire road is located in the San Bernardino
National forest and is about 17 miles long. There can be a lot of kids on
motorcycles flying around blind curves so it an be a bit dangerous for them.
We had a few come around a curve heading towards us going a bit faster then
they should have been. |

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The truck performed very nicely. I was very surprised at just how good the
suspension handled the rougher parts of the road. The 4 wheel drive also
just climbed the steep parts without even spinning a wheel. I think we are
going to enjoy the new things this vehicle opens up for us. |

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