Sand Hills
Curiosity Shop


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The Sand Hills Curiosity Shop on Route 66 is the home of the Mediocre Music Makers Harley and Annabelle Russell. They will greet you and entertain you in the Redneck Capital of the World. Insanity at it's finest the sign says. I guarantee you that you will not forget Erick Oklahoma and the Sand Hills Curiosity Shop. Insanity though, I'm not sure.

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They will sing and dance and tell stories. They will show you around the properties they have including the Redneck Castle. Harley will tell you what a dumb redneck he is but the reality is they have found a way to make a living by just putting on a little show for tourists.

While the shop is just chock full of great antiques none of them are for sale. They have vintage oak furniture, musical instruments, artwork and of course a lot of old signs. They perform strictly for donations put in a tip jar or thrown on the floor.

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They have more stuff and antiques around. The John Deere sign below is before John Deere used the color Green. When traveling Route 66 in Okalahoma the Sand Hills Curiosity shop is a must stop. Search to find videos of them performing.

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