Yuccas in Lone Pine Canyon

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The San Andreas fault runs right through Lone Pine Canyon. I like to go there
every year in May to see all the Yuccas in bloom. This canyon has the largest
concentration of Yuccas I have seen. The Yucca has ever green sword shaped
leaves but in the spring this fast growing stalk grows up and flowers for the
Yucca Moth to pollinate it. |

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This picture is in here to show what it called a sag pond on the San Andreas
fault. A sag pond is a body of water, which forms as water collects in the
lowest parts of the depression that forms between two strands of an active
strike-slip fault . The relative motion of the two fault strands results in
a stretching of the land between them, causing the land between them to
sink. In the distance is route 15 in the Cajon Pass. This one is named Lost
Lake. |

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Not only did we drive in the canyon but we went up the fire roads driving
on top of the ridge. We went through an area that had burned in the last
year or two and found these hardy Yuccas that survived the fires and even
thought the bottoms had burned they were flowering. |

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