Daffodil Gardens

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Each year for 3 weeks Gene and Dale Bauer open their Daffodil Gardens in
Running Springs to the public. They have been doing this for over 40 years and
signs said this would be the last year. The flowers are all hand planted. |

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These gardens, terraces and planters were all done by hand labor. Using
wheelbarrows to move soil to create the paths on the hillsides or to amend the
soil. Building planters for the tulips and hyacinths. |

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It is a private garden which has been designed, personally maintained and
financed by Dale and (Alma) Gene Bauer. Over 1,000,000 bulbs have
been planted and they have been doing this for 46 years. For Karen and I
spring bulbs poking through the snow and then the daffodils were always
a welcome sight meaning winter was almost over.
Here in southern California they only place it gets cold enough for them
to grow is in the mountains. |

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