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I am a bit behind in posting pictures... always am in the summer. Too many pictures, not enough time. I was back in Cleveland to visit my wife who seems to live there and visit me these days but that's a whole nother story.... she doesn't look at this very often and may not spot this so I should be safe. One day we were at my brothers who lives on the river. His son and family came over to go tubing and cook out. I mean what else do you do on a hot summer day. Here the group of river rats pushes off. We had a whole gaggle of Diffs.

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Uh oh woman overboard... Look out Devyn... Heh now Mike what if they all ganged up and did that to you? Funny thing is they lined up for Mike to flip them. Growing up on the river you play in the river in the summer and on it in the winter. If it freezes over you ice skate and if there are patches not frozen over you see who can jump over the  biggest patch of open water. Our mother would not allow us on the ice until the neighbors German Shepard, Brutus, went on the ice. If it could hold Brutus it could hold us was the reasoning. Didn't matter though as we were going to end up going in anyway.

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Here Ryan is doing what you do after tubing. You play kick the tube and skip rocks. Then fuel up for more fun on hot dogs. Devyn goes flying into a pile of tubes.

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