Mt. Baldy Visitors Center

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We have been volunteering one day a month at the Mt. Baldy Visitors Center in
the Angles National Forest for 8 or 9 years now. This was the first time I
have ever seen this much snow at the visitors center which is at 4,200 feet
elevation. So I had to grab my camera and take some pictures. We work here
giving out information on the forest and hiking trails and answering any
questions visitors may have. |

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It was a crazy day trying to get to the visitors center as the road had ice
starting at about 2,800 feet. CHP was requiring chains or 4 wheel drive.
Even some people with chains were having a difficult time depending on the
kind of chains they had. I was helping direct people pulling off to install
chains to get out of the road in order to do it. Finally at about 9:00 they moved the
chain requirements up the mountain another mile or so and I went up the
visitors center. |

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Anytime we have snow that can be seen down in the valley it is going to be
a busy day on the mountain as all 6 bazzillion people that live in the
valley try to come up to play n the snow. The visitors center was the
original one
room school house for the village, opened in 1921 and was used up until the
1970s. The small stone building below was the original visitors center. |

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