California Redwoods

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We have been out here in Kalefornia for almost 11 years now and we finally
made it up to see the California Redwoods and they are every thing I had ever
read about them. We visited a number of the remaining old growth or virgin forests. We were
at Jedediah Smith Redwood State Park, Del Norte Coast Redwoods State Park,
Redwoods National Park and the Avenue of the Giants to name a few. The picture
at the left was taken with our Subaru in the picture to give some idea of just
how tall these trees are. They are over 300 feet tall with some as high as 360
ft. and up to 20 feet in diameter. |

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There is something very magical about hiking among these giants. I am not
sure how to describe it but you step into these forests and they are so
thick it gets cool and dark. It was very quiet and peaceful hiking among
these trees that are more then 2,000 years old. More then 95% of the old
growth forest have been cut down. Today there are a number of State and National
Parks to protect what is left. |

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The giant Sequoia trees are a relative of the Coastal Redwoods that are
wider but not as tall. It was very difficult to photograph the Redwoods as
the forests are dark and where light breaks through the canopy it is very light
and the digital camera does not do well with this large variance in light.
Plus the trees are so tall how do you capture it. |

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