California Route 66 Museum Car Show

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It was another beautiful Southern California winter day where the temps were
in the high 60's. We volunteer at the Route 66 Museum in Barstow so when our
sister museum in Victorville has their annual car show we like to go
support them. Besides the fact that they always have a wonderful turn out and
a nice collection of cars. |

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I always was a fan of the Chrysler Muscle cars from the 340s to the, 383s to
the 426 Hemis and the 440 six packs. Any young man who wanted and had a job
could go into the show room and buy a real race car for say about $2400. |

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The car show is typically all American made vehicles. The hood ornament
below is on a Studebaker. There may have been some vehicles that were not
American but when I was reviewing my photos I didn't have any that were
not. |

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