Chaffy Garcia House


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This house is about 6 or so miles from where we live and it has taken 12 years to finally get there. <grin> It is only open one Saturday a month and between volunteer work and other things we just never seem to get there. It was the first house built in Etiwanda in 1874 and was owned by a retired Sea Captain, Joseph Garcia. In 1883 the Chaffy brothers George and William went by horseback from Riverside to Etiwanda to purchase the house and the 560 acre sheep farm. Being on an alluvial fan meant there was fertile soil and water.

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On this site George built a tower with an arc light, the first in Southern California. He also installed a telephone connected with San Bernardino, Redlands and Colton. This was the longest telephone wire in SCAL at the time. After the brothers developed Etiwanda they went on to lay out Ontario. The northern part of Ontario became Upland and it still goes by that name today.

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On the back of the property they have built a replica of the barn that used to be there. In this barn they have a lot of historical displays and in one room they have built a reproduction of what the Etiwanda General store looked like, complete with many replicas of items that would have been for sale. The Historical Society is presently working on the restoration of the Chaffey-Isle House, a sister house built by George Chaffey Jr. for his mother and sister in 1884. This is the picture directly below.

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