LA County Fire Museum

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Our Miata club did a tour of the LA County Fire Museum.
The photo to the left is a 1928 Seagrave Model 6WT manufactured in Columbus
Ohio. Like many of the engines on display this was a 6 cylinder with 1,000
cubic inch displacement. This is a huge size for a 6 cylinder engine. It was
used in Altadena until the 1950s. |

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The apparatus to the left is an 1860 Button Hand Pumper. It would take
several men to pull it to the fire then 24 to operate the hand pump. The
wooden box looks like a coffin because they were typically made by the same
people. It is a reservoir that holds that water as it is pumped then the
brass bell shaped device allowed water to be sprayed in a continuous manner. |

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In the two photos at the bottom show a restored steamer and an
unrestored steamer sitting side by side. This big shiny tank is actually
nickel plated, not chrome. The volunteers at the museum do wonderful work
lovingly restoring the apparatus. |

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