The Getty Center

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Ahhh The Getty Center... We visited this one other time back in 2003 so 10 years
ago and just like this time.. it started out with a heavy marine layer. The Getty
Center is a large campus on top of a hill over looking Los Angeles. This
branch of the museum specializes in "pre-20th-century European paintings,
drawings, illuminated manuscripts, sculpture, and decorative arts; and 19th-
and 20th-century American and European photographs". |

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You can take photographs inside much of the museum but I just love to take
photos of the outside and the gardens. Admission if free, although you do
have to pay for parking. Then they offer many types of guided tours such as
architecture, gardens or museum galleries. They also have free audio tours
by checking out an iTouch and headphones. |

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The museum is estimated to have 1.3 million visors per year which makes it
one of the most heavily visited museums in the US and for good reason. The
Getty consists of one other facility, The Getty Villa which is equally
stunning. When visiting the Los Angels area either or both museums should
be a must stop. Now I need to go in the winter when I am more likely to
get a nice clear day to take photos. |

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