Meetup Group Photoshoot


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After going to the one photo meetup groups with Stan on flash photography  I decided to try this one on outdoor shooting with natural light. The first picture at the top used reflecting light from the fountain to get rid of some of the shadows. The problem is I put the models face squarely in the center of the photo. A big no no.

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This one to the immediate left is a bit better but in the upper left is a bright background which catches your eye. The same issue with the one below it you need to pick an angle where you do not have anything bright like that behind the persons head.

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The one directly below is about the best one I took the entire time. Well composed and exposed. With these meetup groups you post some of your very best ones on line and then they are critiqued for what you did right and wrong and how to improve it. It was a good experience. We learned things like how to use hand held reflectors, using water in a fountain to using a white building to using shade.

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