Westwood Village Memorial Park


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This is the Pierce Brothers Westwood Village Memorial Park. Web sites will tell you it is hard to find and it really is. You enter a driveway between two tall buildings and you can not actually see it. There are a lot of stars buried here in this small cemetery. To name a few; Marilyn Monroe, Donna Reed, Dean Martin, Natalie Wood, Roy Orbison, Carroll O'Connor, Jack Lemmon, Walter Matthau, Don Knotts, Eddie Albert, Peggy Lee, Mel Torme, George C. Scott, Burt Lancaster, Eve Arden, Carl Wilson, Eva Gabor and Truman Capote.

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It is pretty easy to find graves here because you can walk the entire thing, unlike Forest Lawn that is sooo huge you must drive from location to location. It was not crowded when we were there but there were a number of people and a few groups wandering around looking for graves. I tell ya I just get no respect. Did I really hear that?... I saw Rodney live once and let me tell you he could be pretty colorful. Frank Zappa is here but he is in an unmarked grave so hard to find without specific directions.

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Marylyn Monroe is buried above ground in a crypt. They say the stone marking her location is discolored from all the fans that had to touch or kiss her stone. She was born Norma Jeane Baker and was Playboys first centerfold in 1953. The crypt directly above Marylyn belongs to Richard Poncher and he was buried face down on top of Marylyn. Don Knotts headstone was one of the most creative with the likeness of a number of Don's characters. The cemetery is hard to find but work locating.

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