Idaho State Capitol Building


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One of the first things you notice as you walk up to the building are the beautifully landscaped grounds. The dome of the building is over 200 feet tall. We were in Boise checking the city out as a possible place for retirement. Entering the building, the state capitol mind you, there were no security or metal detectors. On the lower level we went into the gift shop and asked about building tours. We were given a beautiful booklet with information on each floor, an explanation how we could scan the bar code on each page and get a video telling you about the floor. Talking with the woman there we explained why we were there and she launched off onto how she had moved there 5 or 6 years earlier from another state and just loves it. She also told us we can go in any room in the building we wanted to as long as there wasn't a meeting going on. She also told us if we go in the governors ceremonial office don't be surprised if he comes up and talks with you.

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Hmm coming from Southern California and having just visited Washington DC, this was a foreign concept. No need for security and metal detectors.. OMG what was this land we were in. The building is just stunningly beautiful inside and out. Construction of the building was started in 1905 and included the central part of the building. It was completed in 1912. The east and west wings were started in 1919. It currently houses the executive and legislative branches of the government. One of the inseresting things we discovered is Idaho, by state law, must balance it's budget. Hmm here in California during good years the liberals pass wonderful programs and then when times are hard and they are not bringing in the tax $ we go into debt. Hmmmm

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So, far in talking with people from Boise and visiting the city it is certainly very different from SCAL. Everybody we talked to while in the city just sings it's praises how great the city is. When we got back to SCAL and were working in the Route 66 Museum a couple came in and as always we asked where you from and they said Boise. We spent about an hour talking to them and we got the same story, in fact they gave us their name, phone number and address and said next time you are in Boise look us up. Maybe Money Magazine has something here rating it one of the best places to retire in the US. One of the common themes from people is feeling safe and low crime rates.

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