Big Game Fishing

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We went to Florida to visit our son and his girlfriend Peggi who live in Jupiter. I was lucky enough to
get to go out big game or sport fishing with him because I know nothing about
it. He does this for a living and I remember him once telling me "dad the
ocean is my office". Ummm, me, I'm a cubicle dweller.. um living and working in
the domain of what the Dilbert cartoons are all about. Writiing reports... This was a different
world for me for sure. People I have showed this to will say they have been
deep sea fishing and never caught anything and here I was my first time ever
with my son, an expert, and we caught them. Deep Sea fishing is really going
for fish that are living in the depth of the ocean where it is dark. What we
were doing is more accurately called Big Game Fishing or Sport Fishing. |

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The colorful fish to the left is a Mahi Mahi and later that night our son
grilled it for us and it was probably the best tasting fish I ever had. He had
described to us before the technique of fishing using a kite but I never
really quite understood it. Wikipedia says "Offshore kite fishing is a sport
fishing technique used to keep live bait on the surface of the water to
attract and catch surface feeding predators. It is primarily used in Florida
along the Atlantic coast and in the Caribbean for Sailfish." Well, that
is just what we were doing but we also had 3 lines off of each kite line. |

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The thing about a sailfish is they are the fastest swimming fish in the
ocean and can reach speeds of almost 70 Mph. They are known for their fight
and their spectacular jumps out of the water. You can see the fish jumping
out of the water to the left. This is by far way bigger then anything I have
ever caught and certainly larger then the little blue gills I used to take
my son fishing for. In fact the bait we used for the sailfish was larger
then the blue gills I used to take him fishing for. :-) It was a very
memorable day for me to say the least. Thanks Steve ! Love Dad |

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