Redlands, Firefighters Car Show

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Yet another Southern California Car Show we had not been to yet. This one is
put on by the Redlands Firefighters and it did have some unique vehicles. But
of course you have to have a Woodie in an SCAL car show and this one was a
beauty. I watched the guy in the lower left applying the tape for pinstipping.
I have watched others do it with actual paint but this is a kind of tape. |

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The 3 wheeled vehicle below intrigued me so when I got home I had to look it
up and the Moragn is a vehicle resurrected in 2004 and still made today.
This car has disc brakes so I know it is one of the new ones and not a
restored old vintage car. There are plenty of videos of driving a 3 wheel
Morgan on you tube also for those so inclined to look. The other vehicle
below was quite a pretty looking beer wagon. |

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