Glendora Ridge Road



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Glendora Ridge Road is in the beautiful San Gabriel Mountains National Monument. It is 12 miles of non stop curves and is a very fun motorcycle road. One time I counted the number of curves over that 12 miles because I felt it probably has as many curves as the infamous Tail of the Dragon in Deals Gap in the Great Smokey Mountains. The Tail of the Dragon has 318 curves in 11 miles and I counted about 250 curves in 12 miles on Glendora Ridge road. The Tail of the Dragon advertises no intersecting roads or driveways to hamper your travel and there are also none on Glendora Ridge Road. There are almost no straight pieces of road on Glendora Ridge and it makes for a very enjoyable drive or ride. It takes me about 15 minutes to get to Glendora Ridge Rd from our house.

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I prefer to do this road during the week because there is almost no traffic on it but you always need to be careful on blind corners because cars, motorcycles and bicycles will come around the corner on the wrong side of the road. There is no center line for most of the 12 miles. So you just have to be careful and go slow on blind curves.

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