Oak Glenn Run
This run started in Riverside,
went through the back roads up to Idyllwild, from there through Banning.
After Banning we went to Oak Glenn for a picnic lunch at Apple Dumpling
and ended up at the Rt 66 Rendezvous in San Bernardino. |
This shot was taken at the
grounds of the Apple Dumplin Restaurant. Karen is sitting down kind of off
to the left enjoying her apple pie. Oak Glenn is an area known for it's
apple orchards and apple pie.. |
Of course I have to include a
shot of the mountains or the valleys or something. They are starting to
get kind of old hat and anyone looking is probably getting tired of
looking at them... |
And still more, but... I
included this one cause as you can see the hillside straight ahead burned out. I
had a picture of this some time ago on a bike trip. |
The following photos are taken
at the Rt 66 Rendezvous. Man, there were like 4,000 cars there. It was
huge. We were only there for about an hour as after a long day of touring
we were tired. My all time favorite care was the 68 Plymouth Road Runner.
I drove one once with the 440 6-pack. Man was it fast. But there was
something wrong with it so I didn't buy it. I was about 17 at the time.
This is a 68 GTX. Frankly I'm not sure what the differences were. They
sure looked a lot the same. |
If you look closely you will
notice there are two rods the same. One normal size and one the guy built
for his kids. It had a single cylinder engine that seemed to have quite a
bit of torque. I think the guy had it geared for that. It was kind of cute
to see the father giving them directions on what to do as they paraded
around and I assure you the kids were having a ball. |
And a cool 55 Chevy. They had a
lap around the town that was about 1 to 2 miles long. At a point in front
of the judges they would stop and rev the car up to see who had the loudest
car. The rest of the time they would just drive around the crowds. You
could sit and just watch the parade of different cars go by or walk around
and look. |